We often take the simple pleasures of life for granted, but it is these simpler pleasures that keep us going. Case in point: food! And snacks, munchies, and the like are the ultimate comfort food, our constant companions.
Have you ever wondered how many occasions in the daily life would remain unfulfilling or dull without something to munch on? Hangouts are not complete without it. Meetings at the office require it. Watching your favourite game demands it, so do binge-watching the latest web series. There’s no denying that binge watching and binge eating go hand in hand! But also, when you have to burn the midnight oil in the lonesome night, snacks, munchies, and various forms of comfort food is your soother, possibly along with your favourite cup of caffeine.
With all that said, one doesn’t even need an excuse to grab a bite to replenish not just the body, but the soul as well.
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Now, throw in the ongoing pandemic in the equation, and along with staying safe and healthy, the need for the simple joys of life become even more necessary. After all, amidst all the uncertainties thrown at us, simple and easy food is something we should be thankful for. The mantra is of course to stay safe, but we would extend it to say that in addition to staying safe, let’s try our best to not let the worries of the pandemic overwhelm us. Perhaps, it took a pandemic to make people realise the things they always used to take for granted.
And hence, this week, Star Lifestyle zeroes down on all things food and snacks. Looking into it from various angles, we present to you a wide array of delicacies, catering to a broad range of palates, while keeping a focus on some health and hygiene issues that come with food.
So, flip through the pages to explore a delightful culinary world, and let the foods set the right mood for you.
Here’s to the simpler joys of life!