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Sharif, Awal Chowdhury elected as President, GS - EN-vinnabarta

America Bangladesh Journalist Forum : Sharif, Awal Chowdhury elected as President, GS

Staff correspondent
  • Update Time : Tuesday, October 31, 2023
  • 102 Time View

America-Bangladesh Journalists Forum (ABSF), an organization of journalists working in various media based in the United States, has announced the committee. Sharif Uddin Sandwipi, US representative of SA TV has been elected as a President and Awal Chowdhury , Senior Staff Reporter of Ekushe TV were elected as a General Secretary and Business Post’s Staff reporter Shahin Howlader elected as joint Secretary.
The organization’s nine-member 2023-2024 (two-year) executive committee was announced on Friday evening (October 27) in the hall of the OSA School, 504 McDonnell Avenue, Brooklyn, New York. At this time, the standing committee committee was announced by the president of the program, prominent columnist Samsuuddin Azad.

The other members of the committee are Murad Hossain, Senior reporter of Jaago news, as co-president, Shahin Howladar, Staff reporter of The Business Post’s as a joint general secretary, Alamgir Kabir, journalist of ATN Bangla as treasurer, Abu Sayem as organizing secretary, Zafar Uliah as publicity editor (Jugantar), Mazharul Islam (Jaiyatra) and Kamrul Islam hold executive positions in the committee.
The program was hosted by Shahin Howlader, joint general secretary of The ABSF. President of Bangladesh Muslim Center, prominent businessman Mohammad Abul Hashem was the chief guest in the program. Israt Jahan, Counselor and Head of Censorship of Bangladesh Consulate General Office in New York were present at the event as the special guest.
Israt jahan said, Only journalists can deliver real information to people. I applaud this organization. American expatriates are sending huge amount of remittances to Bangladesh. Their hard earned money is helping the development of Bangladesh. We are supervising that no one should suffer when expatriates come to seek services. Process is underway to resolve the National Identity Card (NID) issue for expatriates living in the United States. Let’s hope that this problem of American expatriates will be solved soon.
Community Leader Mamunur Rashid Mamun, Jahangir Alam and Sultan Ahmed were also present as special guests in the program along with others.
