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Display fares on electronic billboards at bus stops in a month: HC - EN-vinnabarta

Display fares on electronic billboards at bus stops in a month: HC

Vinnabarta Desk
  • Update Time : Monday, January 24, 2022
  • 314 Time View

The High Court today directed the authorities concerned to take effective steps to stop overcharging passengers of public transport, including buses and minibuses.

In response to a writ petition, the court ordered Bangladesh Road Transport Authority to display the lists of fares for public transport on electronic billboards at every stoppage in a month so that passengers can easily see those.

The HC also issued a rule asking the authorities concerned of the government to explain in four weeks why their failure to stop bus owners and their conductors from collecting extra fares from the passengers should not be declared illegal.

In the rule, the court asked the authorities to show causes why their failure to formulate a guideline under section 112 of the Road Transport Act, 2018 — on increasing transport fares — should not be declared illegal.

The HC, in the rule, also asked them to explain why their failure to display the list of transport fares at visible places under section 34(3) of the act should not be declared unlawful.

The HC bench of Justice Mamnoon Rahman and Justice Khandaker Diliruzzaman came up with the directives and issued the rule following a writ petition moved as a public interest litigation seeking necessary directives on the authorities to this effect.

Supreme Court lawyers Md Abu Taleb, Mokhlesur Rahman and Muntasim Tanjir moved the petition.
