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Dinajpur Education Board postpones SSC exams on 4 subjects - EN-vinnabarta

Dinajpur Education Board postpones SSC exams on 4 subjects

Vinnabarta Desk
  • Update Time : Wednesday, September 21, 2022
  • 158 Time View

The Secondary School Certificate examination on four subjects under the Dinajpur Education Board has been postponed due to unavoidable circumstances.

Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board, Dinajpur issued a notice in this regard on Wednesday morning.

The four subjects are Mathematics, Physics, Agricultural Science and Chemistry.

New schedule for the exams will be announced soon.

Exams on other subjects will be held as per schedule.

Secondary School Certificate and equivalent exams kicked off to a smooth start in Bangladesh last Thursday.

The exams began at 11:00am instead of 10:00am, considering the usual traffic jams during peak hours.
